Friday, July 10, 2009

Blessed by the young

Well another year of VBS has come and gone. This year had the best turn out in a long time! We had 39 registered kids. Everyday brought at least one new face, which means the kids that brought them were having a great time. Our program is Sunday and I am making a DVD of all the pics that we took this week. God has blessed our church with many willing and loving adults to assist with VBS, but this year he blessed us with something new...TEENS. It was fabulous to see them working with the kids. The children LOVED it. Everytime you turned around, some little kid was wrapped around the leg of a teenager. It was awesome to see God at work in that way. A couple of the teens didn't have good reputations and had been in and out of trouble. One in particular has had a troubled past, but this kid, on the last day, AMAzeD me. A little girl had gotten sick and he took care of her, letting her sit in his lap and fall asleep until her parents came to pick her up. These kids really opened up this week and I am blessed to have been able to witness these events. It is my prayer that these teens will continue to come to our church and help us develop a youth group. Once again, this week I have been blessed by the young ones spirit!

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